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Initial Setup of myBHC

myBHC is the college’s internal website and app. First-time users must complete a registration process to access personalized functions.

Please Note: It is recommended that you complete your initial registration on a computer rather than a mobile device.

2. Reset Your Password

Enter a password and confirm it by re-entering it in the second box. After saving your password, you will be redirect back to the myBHC sign-in page.

Enter your full email address. Click “Next.”

Enter your newly created password. Click “Next.”


3. Setup Duo Mobile

Duo Mobile is the two-factor authentication system used by BHC to verify your identification through push notifications on your mobile device.

After entering your password, click next on the “Welcome to Duo Security” screen. Choose the “Duo Mobile” option for the fastest, easiest way to authenticate your identification into college systems.

Enter your phone number and then click “Continue.”

Duo Mobile Logo

4. Confirm Your Information

Confirm your phone number. Click “Send me a passcode.” Enter the passcode into the provided verification field. Click “Verify.”

6. Add Your Account to Duo Mobile

After the app is downloaded, click “Next.” In the app, select the option to “Scan a QR code.” Scan the code on your computer with your mobile device and the Duo Mobile app.

Click “Continue” to confirm the account. Once the setup is complete, click “Log in with Duo” button.

Setup for myBHC is now complete.

bhc-student Wi-Fi

Three types of devices with images of the website.

While on campus, students have access to the bhc-students Wi-Fi network for their computers or mobile devices. Students access the network using their myBHC credentials. Below are instructions for specific devices.

Macbook & Windows

Open your System Settings or Settings app.

  • On a Mac, navigate to Wi-Fi.
  • On Windows, navigate to Network and Internet.

Select “bhc-student” from the list of Wi-Fi networks.

Log in with your myBHC username and password. (Your username is everything before the @ symbol in your email.)


Select “bhc-student” from the list of Wi-Fi networks.

Log in using your myBHC email address and password with the following configuration:

  • SSID: bhc-student
  • EAP Method: PEAP
  • Phase 2 Authentication: MSCHAPv2
  • Server CA certificate: Default
  • Subject match:
  • Subject alternative name Match: Empty
  • User certificate: None installed
  • Identity: myBHC email address
  • Password: myBHC password
  • Anonymous identity: Empty
  • Domain suffix match:

Apple (iPhone or iPad)

Navigate to your settings app. Click “Wi-Fi.”

Select “bhc-student” from the list of networks. Enter in your myBHC username and password. Your username is everything before the @ symbol in your college email.

If prompted, click “Trust” on the certificate. After trusting the certificate, you may have to type your myBHC username and password once more.

The bhc-student Wi-Fi should now be ready to use.


Swipe down from the top of your screen to access quick settings. Select “Internet.”

Select “bhc-student” from the list of Wi-Fi networks. Log in using your myBHC username and password with the following configuration:

  • SSID: bhc-student
  • EAP Method: PEAP
  • Phase 2 Authentication: MSCHAPv2
  • CA certificate: Use system certificate
  • Minimum TLS version: TLS v1.0
  • User Certificate Status: Do not verify
  • Identity:\username
  • Anonymous identity: Must be blank
  • Password: myBHC password

ITS Frequently Asked Questions

How do I reset my password?

If you aren’t able to sign into your account, go to myBHC. Then click on the link that says “Student password change click here.” Enter your username, student ID number, last name and date of birth to have your password reset.

From inside myBHC, click on the tile that says “BHC Password Reset.” (This option requires you to sign-in prior to changing your password.)

I’m getting an error when I try to reset my password. What does this mean?

When resetting your password, you may get this error message:

1 error has occurred

Login Failed! The authentication details you’ve provided do not match. Please try again. For assistance, contact the ITS Help Desk at 1-309-796-5555 or email

This means that one of the entries on the password reset form was entered incorrectly.

How to fix this error:

  • Use your full email address.
  • Use the“Calendar button”to set your date of birth.
  • Ensure there are no spaces after your entries.

How do I log in to BHC computers?

To log in to Black Hawk College computers, use the same credentials that you use to access myBHC.

In the “Username” field on the computers, enter in your full email address and the same password you use for myBHC.

How do I make changes to my Duo devices?

Use your myBHC credentials to log in.

Activate or remove Duo devices following the provided steps.

Why is push the best authentication method for DUO?

It’s quicker than a text or a phone call.

  • Authenticating with a text message requires waiting to receive the text, reading a passcode
    and then typing it in.
  • Phone calls require actually answering the phone, listening to the recording and using the dial
    pad to approve the login.
  • Duo Push is as simple as approving a notification on your smartphone or watch.

It’s more secure.

  • Duo Push uses cutting-edge end-to-end encryption that SMS and phone calls can’t.
  • The Duo Push screen displays detailed information about the application and source device that initiated the authentication request.

Does installing the Duo Mobile app give up control of my phone?

No. Duo Mobile has no access to change settings on your phone. Duo Mobile cannot read your emails, it cannot see your browser history and it requires your permission to send you notifications. Lastly, Duo Mobile cannot remotely wipe your phone. The visibility Duo Mobile requires is to verify the security of your device, such as OS version, device encryption status, screen lock, etc. We use this to help recommend security improvements to your device and you always are in control of whether or not you take action on these recommendations.

Knowledge Base

ITS has more in-depth self-help guides available in their knowledge base for current students. You can also view helpdesk tickets you’ve submitted or chat with a virtual agent. Use your BHC credentials to sign in.

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ITS Help Desk

If you need to submit a help desk ticket, call or email from your student account.

Quad-Cities Campus

Room Q3 A213
In the hallway between Buildings 3 and 4